How it begins

Oct 30, 2020

As an astronomy master student, besides research, coding becomes more and more fascinating to me. The way I learned is by collecting required informations from internet, most from blogs, Medium and so on, to achieve what I want. Therefore, I want to give some feedback to anyone new to coding or astronomy or any field I’m in.

What topics will be reached

Useful tools, Astronomy news, how I study in different subjects, why go vegan, how to be a softball/baseball umpire…
In general I would like to share the solutions to those problems I met.


Useful softwares, websites would be introduced. Recently, I really enjoy the UI in Notion, it’s a great website to jot down any notes. Python learning would be another point in this category.


Being a astronomy student, I’d like to share some comments on it, especially for Taiwanese students. To write an article about recent research? Well, it depends on how much I know about it, it’s better to be silent than jibber jabber.


I’m a vegan and I think it’s important to let people know why I decided to be vegan. Also to share some recipes or vegan travel in different places.


Huge fan to baseball. Now is a softball umpire in regional league.
Share interesting cases with you from time to time.

How far it will go

For now, once in a while, this page would be modified with time stamp if anything changes.
For Chinese version, I’’ still considering putting the posts here or on other platforms.




Astronomy Master's graduate dedicated to coding for a better world.